Southern Cross Review

Review of fiction, education, science, current events,
essays, book reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy

Number 92, January - February 2014


Guillame Seignac (France 1870 - 1924) In addition to his training in the academic style, much of Seignac's work displayed classical themes and style, for example, is use of diaphanous drapery covering a woman's body is reminiscent of classical style, in particular the sculptor Phidias. In 1897, Guillaume Seignac regularly exhibited at the Salon and won several honors, including in 1900 honorable mention and in 1903 a Third Class medal. His work was popular in New York as well as in Paris during the time leading up to the First World War.

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Editor's Page

Death is not Proud by Frank Thomas Smith

"Everyone now living will be dead in 100 years."
"Not necessarily so. "Modern technology could change that...radically."
"Do you mean it could eliminate death?"
"Anything's possible."
A third participant: "Anyway, who cares? If we're dead we're dead, no problem."
That was a real recent conversation about a subject which has baffled humanity since we began thinking about it eons ago. Life, after all, is a great mystery. From the moment it begins it marches inevitably towards death. What, then, is the point? Continue


They Didn't Know What They were Getting into - War, Amercan Style by Ann Jones

The last time I saw American soldiers in Afghanistan, they were silent. Knocked out by gunfire and explosions that left them grievously injured, as well as drugs administered by medics in the field, they were carried from medevac helicopters into a base hospital to be plugged into machines that would measure how much life they had left to save. They were bloody.  They were missing pieces of themselves. They were quiet.
It’s that silence I remember from the time I spent in trauma hospitals among the wounded and the dying and the dead. It was almost as if they had fled their own bodies, abandoning that bloodied flesh upon the gurneys to surgeons ready to have a go at salvation... Continue


Third Tour Nightmares by JP Miller

I’m sitting—no, reclining—in an oversized hospital chair at Ft. Kessler, Biloxi, Mississippi and dangling my legs over the thing, trying to get the energy to attempt to walk again. My right leg doesn’t want to work. It doesn’t help that I have various tubes in my arms. If I get up to attempt a walk down the hall, I have to drag along a veritable life support system. The doctors tell me it will take time. That’s what they tell everyone here... Continue

Children's Corner

Juancito Hummingbird / Juacito Colibrí by Frank Thomas Smith

Juancito (which means Johnny in Spanish) was more proud of his hair than anything else. Every time his mother wanted to take him to the barber he protested so much that she finally gave in and Juancito let his hair grow till it reached almost to his waist. It was blond, curly and shiny y Juancito sometimes let it fall down his back, and other times he tied it back with a rubber-band. Even the girls envied him... Continue

Lo que más orgullo le daba a Juancito era su pelo. Protestaba tanto cada vez que su mamá quería llevarlo al peluquero, que ella finalmente se dio por vencida, y Juancito se dejó crecer el pelo casi hasta a la cintura. Era un pelo rubio, rizado y brillante, y Juancito a veces se lo dejaba suelto sobre la espalda y, otras veces, se lo ataba atrás con una banda elástica. Hasta las niñas se lo envidiaban...Continuar


Ute Craemer's European Journey - 2013

Dear Friends of Brazil, Dear Volunteers,

I'm now back in Brazil/Monte Azul, full of many encounters, conversations and interviews which span whole generations. This trip was poignant, I felt as if a great arc was straddling 30 years, years full of life, work, joy, disappointments and transformation. Hundreds and hundreds of people of different cultures, also transformation of living places. The first lecture about Monte Azul took place in the eighties as a result of the book Favela Children. I traveled alone across Germany, Holland and Switzerland with my suitcase and a case full of slides, the trip having been organized by the Monte Azul friend Frank Thomas Smith – at that time still using the telephone. Continue

El inquisidor oculto / The Occult Inquisitor por Shirley Lock-Holmes

Nadie sabe de dónde salió la mujer; simplemente aparece un día en el pequeño pueblo suizo. Es primavera y lleva puesto un bonito vestido que apenas le cubre las rodillas. Al pasar por el restaurante vegetariano de la esquina, la gente que está almorzando en el jardín se queda mirándola, después se acercan a ella para saludarla, primero tímidamente y luego en avalancha... Continuar

No one knows where the woman came from, she just appears one day in the small Swiss town. It's springtime and she is dressed in a light, attractive frock reaching to just below her knees. As she passes the vegetarian restaurant on the corner the people eating lunch in the garden stare at her, then go to out to greet her, hesitantly at first, then in a rush... Continue


Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum - Volume Two, Lesson Fourteen by Rudolf Steiner

We have been considering the human being's relation to the Guardian of the Threshold and have led our souls step by step to see what our relation is to the Guardian of the Threshold on the path of knowledge. Today we intend to enliven the situation of standing before the Guardian in order to advance a step further in this esoteric consideration. I will repeat what has been considered in the previous lessons regarding this situation. Man leaves the physical world in which he develops his normal consciousness. Continue

The Fifth Gospel - Cologne, Lecture 2 by Rudolf Steiner

Before continuing with the study of the life of Jesus Christ, I would like to mention some indications about the way such things are found. With few words such a comprehensive subject can of course only be characterized. But I want you to have a idea of what we can call occult research, at the stage where one can penetrate to such concrete facts as those which, for example, we considered here yesterday At first one can say: this research rests on a study of the Akasha Chronicle. In general terms, I described how such reading in the Akasha Chronical is to be understood in articles in the magazine “Lucifer-Gnosis” which appeared under the title “From the Akasha Chronicle”. Continue

Karmic Relations, Volume II, Lecture Twelve by Rudolf Steiner

In my last lecture here I spoke of how man is related to the Spiritual Hierarchies during the different periods of his life. I should like to repeat that the aim of all these lectures is to lead us to a better understanding of how karma works in human life and in human evolution. Everything is really a preparation for this. I told you that from a person's birth until about his 21st year, the Third Hierarchy [Angeloi. Archangeloi, Archai], is related to him in a special way; at the age of puberty the Second Hierarchy — Exusiai, Dynamis, Kyriotetes — begins to be active. These Hierarchical Orders continue to work from puberty until the 21st year in the first period of their influence; in the second period they work until the 28th year, and in the third period until the 35th year. Continue

Darwin and Tolstoy by Rudolf Steiner

Wherever we look we see the predominance of form. Darwin is the most brilliant illustration of this. What was it that Darwin investigated and bequeathed to humanity in his theory? The origin and change of the forms of animals and plants in the struggle for existence. This confirms that the attention of science is directed to the outer form. And what did Darwin openly declare? He asserted that the plants and animals live out their lives in the most manifold forms but that originally, according to his conviction, there were forms into which life was breathed by a Creator of worlds. His eyes are directed to the evolution of forms, of the outer form, and he himself feels that it is impossible to penetrate into what imbues these forms with life. He takes this life for granted and does not attempt to explain it. He pays no heed to it, the question for him being merely the shape and form which life assumes... Continue


Exile's End / El fin del exilio by Frank Thomas Smith

My faraway home is a land of lovers.
A greeting there is no touch of the hand,
No nod of the head, no Guten Tag, Herr
In that distant land my friends all embrace me
And kiss me and tell me: 
Estás en tu casa. Continue

Mi hogar lejano es tierra de amantes.
Allí un saludo no es rozar las manos,
Ni inclinar la testa, ni Guten Tag, Herr.
En esa tierra distante mis amigos me abrazan,
Me besan y dicen: Estás en tu casa. Continuar

Love and Marilyn Monroe and other poems by Delmore Schwartz

Let us be aware of the true dark gods
Acknowledgeing the cache of the crotch
The primitive pure and pwerful pink and grey
private sensitivites
Wincing, marvelous in their sweetness, whence rises
the future.

Therefore let us praise Miss Marilyn Monroe.
She has a noble attitude marked by pride and candor
She takes a noble pride in the female nature and torso
She articualtes her pride with directness and exuberance
She is honest in her delight in womanhood and manhood... Continue

Letters to the Editor

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You can find us under the Southern Cross constellation in the Traslasierra Valley, Province of Córdoba, Argentina. Visitors always welcome. Just follow the sign that reads: La Cruz del Sur.

Frank Thomas Smith, Editor
JoAnn Schwarz, Associate Editor
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