Essays on Science in Southern Cross Review

Essays on Science

A | B | C | E | F | H | J | K | L | M | P | R | S | T | V | W |

Author Unknown

The Universe as a Hologram


Brady, R.H.

Dogma and Doubt


Carline, Paul

The Descent of Man?

Cruse, Don

Alfred North Whitehead, Rudolf Steiner and Owen Barfield: A Conversation
Causal Logic
Chomsky and the Universal Grammar
Creationism�s Tool Chest
Darwin's Devious Metaphors: Part I - The Problem
Darwin's Devious Metaphors: Part II - The Solution
Evolution as a Property of Mind
Freedom, Authority and the "Faithful Thinker"
Hard Wired: How �Mechanism� has Deceived Science
Isaac Newton & Harry Potter
Karl Popper and Owen Barfield
Matter and Mephistopheles
Introduction to "Was Darwin Wrong?
Was Darwin Wrong?


Einstein, Albert

It's relative, stupid!


Fazo, David

Fazo's Kat

Feynman, Richard

The Quantum Mystery
What is Science?
Which End Is Closer to God?

Friedjung, Michael

Putting Soul into Science
(serialization - Preface) Putting Soul into Science
(Chapters 1 & 2) Putting Soul into Science
(Chapter 3) Putting Soul into Science
(Chapter 4) Putting Soul into Science
(Chapter 5)


Hardy, Lucien

Introduction to Quantum Theory

Heaf, David

Intrinsic Value and Integrity of Plants in the Context of Genetic Engineering

Herbert, Nick

Holistic Physics � or � An Introduction to Quantum Tantra
Quantum Tantra
The Amy Project and Schroedinger Cat Nap

Holdrege, Craig

Life Beyond Genes
Science�s Forbidden Question
Should Genetically Modified Foods Be Labeled?
Sowing Technology


Johnson, Susan R.

Healing Children with Attentional, Emotional and Learning Challenges

C�mo sanar a los ni�os con dificultades emocionales, de atenci�n y de aprendizaje


Kelly, Kevin

Are Machines Living Things? A Dialog
DISCONNECT? or Can Machines Think? Part II


Lindsay, Jeff

Politically Correct Physics


McClure, Ken

Alfred North Whitehead, Rudolf Steiner and Owen Barfield: A Conversation

McKee, Bradford

Growing Up Denatured

Mellett, Tom

Einstein's Theory of Relativity as Rudolf Steiner's Final "Riddle of Philosophy"
Goethean Science


Parnell, Peter

The Quantum Mystery


Radford, Tim

The whole world in our hands

Randall, Lisa

Dangling Particles

Rudnicki, Konrad

Cosmology and Calculating Models
Goetheanism in science
Other Cosmological Principles
The Cosmological Principles: Bibliography
The Ancient Greek Cosmological Principle
The Anthropic Cosmological Principle
The Cosmological Principle of Ancient India
The Generalized Coperican Cosmological Principle
The Genuine Coperican Cosmological Principle
The Perfect Cosmological Principle


Setzer, Valdemar

Does the Universe Consist of only Matter, or also of Spirit?
Kasparov vs.Deep Blue
The Impact of Data Technology on Future Society

Shapero, Hannah M.G.

Every Snowflake Has a Name

Smith, Frank Thomas

Refuting Darwin

Steiner, Rudolf

Darwinism and Weltanschauung
The Relationship of the Diverse Branches of Natural Science to Astronomy Lecture I
The Relationship of the Diverse Branches of Natural Science to Astronomy Lecture II


Talbott, Steve

Are Machines Living Things? A Dialog
Biotechnology, Ethics, and the Arc of Life
Can the New science of Evo-Devo Explain the Form of Organisms?
Conversing with Ella
CyberTrackers: Bushmen and Information Technology
DISCONNECT? or Can Machines Think? Part II
Do Physical Laws Make Things Happen?
Does the Future Compute?
Flesh and Machines: The Mere Assertions of Rodney Brooks
Flights of Optimism
From Estrogen to Testosterone
From HAL to Kismet
In the Service of Science
Intelligence and its Artifacts
Mindlessness and the Brain
On Being Wholehearted
Recognizing Reality
Science�s Forbidden Question
Sowing Technology
The Barren Global Vision of Thomas Friedman
The Deceiving Virtues of Technology
The Limits of Predictability
The Reduction Complex
The Vanishing World-Machine

The Dalai Lama

Science and Meditation



Science Quotes


White, Dr. Robert J. (Interview)

Transplanted Heads

White, Michael
Interviewed by Daniel Zwerdling

Isaac Newton - The Last Sorcerer

Winner, Langdon

Complexity, Trust, and Terror
Science Policy and the Push for Nanotechnology

Wirz, Johannes

Intrinsic Value and Integrity of Plants in the Context of Genetic Engineering
Life Beyond Genes
