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(I don't mean the coronavirus
Or the first class esoteric lessons)
But the one that necessarily concerns us:", "Sooner or later you'll want to know
If life has meaning and if so: what?
We can start be presuming the answer is: no!
If that's the case are we alive or: not?", "Or are we actors in a computer game
As the movie Matrix wonkly warned?
Like death itself it's all the same:
No one emerges wholly unharmed.", "But if life – human life I mean –
Is real, then so are you and I
Not to mention nature's green
Life of leaves that will also die. . .", ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}ascent-bosch-2.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}reincarnation-blues-4.html`, "poem": true, }, { "title": "Reincarnation Blues - Canto V", "sub-title": "", "author": "Frank Thomas Smith", "description": [ "Look at it, if you will, this way:
If you're here now and likely alive,
Where were you before today?
Before, that is, you dropped or dived", "Into this wild and woolly world?
Not a cut-rate clue have you
Unless you think you once uncurled
And mewing in Mama's uterus grew...", ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}ascent-bosch-2.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}reincarnation-blues-5.html`, "poem": false, }, ], "Current Events": [ { "title": "Last Supper for the West", "sub-title": "Is Putin the Face of the Future or the Final Gasp of the Past?", "author": "John Feffer", "description": [ "In its attempt to swallow Ukraine whole, Russia has so far managed to bite off only the eastern Donbas region and a portion of its southern coast. The rest of the country remains independent, with its capital Kyiv intact. No one knows how this meal will end. Ukraine is eager to force Russia to disgorge what it’s already devoured, while the still-peckish invader clearly has no interest in leaving the table.", "This might seem like an ordinary territorial dispute between predator and prey. Ukraine’s central location between east and west, however, turns it into a potentially world-historical conflict like the Battle of Tours when the Christian Franks turned back the surging Ummayad army of Muslims in 732 AD or the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam in 1975.", "The pivotal nature of the current war seems obvious. Ukraine has for some time wanted to join western institutions like the European Union. Russia prefers to absorb Ukraine into its russkiy mir (Russian world). However, this tug of war over the dividing line between East and West isn’t a simple recapitulation of the Cold War. Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly has no interest in reconstituting the Soviet Union, much less in sending his troops westward into Poland or Germany, while the United States isn’t wielding Ukraine as a proxy to fight the Kremlin. Both superpowers have far more circumscribed aims..", ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}putin-supper.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}feffer-last-supper.html`, "poem": false, }, { "title": "Welcome to a Science-Fiction Planet", "sub-title": "How George Orwell's Doublethink Became the Way of the World", "author": "David Barsamian and Noam Chomsky", "description": [ 'David Barsamian: Let’s head into the most obvious nightmare of this moment, the war in Ukraine and its effects globally. But first a little background. Let’s start with President George H.W. Bush’s assurance to then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not move “one inch to the east” — and that pledge has been verified. My question to you is, why didn’t Gorbachev get that in writing?', 'Noam Chomsky: He accepted a gentleman’s agreement, which is not that uncommon in diplomacy. Shake-of-the-hand. Furthermore, having it on paper would have made no difference whatsoever. Treaties that are on paper are torn up all the time. What matters is good faith. And in fact, H.W. Bush, the first Bush, did honor the agreement explicitly. He even moved toward instituting a partnership in peace, which would accommodate the countries of Eurasia. NATO wouldn’t be disbanded but would be marginalized. Countries like Tajikistan, for example, could join without formally being part of NATO. And Gorbachev approved of that. It would have been a step toward creating what he called a common European home with no military alliances...', ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}doublethink-1.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}chomsky-doublethink.html`, "poem": false, }, ], "Anthroposophy": [ { "title": "Esoteric Lessons for the First Class of the School for Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum", "sub-title": "Lesson Four", "author": "Rudolf Steiner", "description": [ "In the previous lessons we were concerned with meeting the Guardian of the Threshold. And we must understand this meeting well, to the extent that its earnestness can really occupy our minds. For here we enter an area which is essentially different from other areas of spiritual life, what is called spiritual life by today’s civilization, that is. The encounter with the Guardian of the Threshold is the first thing one experiences when a relationship with the spiritual world truly and earnestly takes place. A relationship with the spiritual world cannot take place without this understanding of the meeting with the Guardian of the Threshold, because the spiritual world is on the other side of this threshold. So when communications are received from the spiritual world, they should be understood as merely in preparation for a relationship with the spiritual world.", "As an example of what we will receive today, my dear friends, I would like to tell you a story taken from ancient esoteric tradition...", ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}esoteric-lessons-cover.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}steiner-class-4.html`, "poem": false, }, { "title": "Tres Años Más:", "sub-title": "Reflexiones sobre el día de la muerte de Rudolf Steiner", "author": "Eugene Schwartz", "description": [ "Puede parecer extraño incluir una conmemoración del Día de la Muerte de Rudolf Steiner en un boletín que está dedicado a la celebración de la niñez, de las nuevas iniciativas, y de la vida en general, pero incluso en medio de tanta vida el movimiento Waldorf está obligado a afrontar la muerte. Este artículo es un esfuerzo por comprender esta obligación.", 'El período de seis años que se extendió desde la primavera de 1919 hasta la muerte de Rudolf Steiner, el 29 de marzo de 1925, estuvo lleno de una rápida sucesión de triunfos - y tragedias. Entre las tragedias están los infructuosos esfuerzos por curar las heridas de guerra de Europa mediante la Trimembración Social, el incendio del Primer Goetheanum y la larga y debilitante enfermedad de Steiner. Entre los triunfos se encuentran la refundación de la Sociedad Antroposófica y la poderosa y prolífica producción de las conferencias sobre las relaciones kármicas. Fue durante este período que Rudolf Steiner también ayudó a fundar, nutrir y asesorar lo que él llamaría los "movimientos vástagos", esfuerzos concretos para aplicar los principios espirituales directamente en la sociedad contemporánea. Los movimientos vástagos establecieron vocaciones que hicieron posible un camino único de iniciación moderna. Maestros, médicos, sacerdotes y agricultores ya no tenían que retirarse a centros de misterio o ashrams para desarrollarse espiritualmente, sino que se les proporcionaban los ejercicios meditativos y los retos prácticos que les permitían desplegar sus facultades superiores mientras trabajaban. La pedagogía Waldorf, la medicina antroposófica, la Comunidad de Cristianos y la agricultura biodinámica ya han celebrado, o lo harán pronto, sus cien años, y cada una de ellas tiene sus propias historias de éxito y fracaso. Este artículo se centrará en el papel especial que la pedagogía Waldorf tiene que desempeñar entre sus movimientos hermanos...', ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}steiner-portrait-1.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}schwartz-tres-anios-mas.html`, "poem": false, }, ], "Education": [ { "title": "The Necessity of Truly Free Education", "sub-title": "", "author": "Carlos Mönckeberg (d), Frank Thomas Smith and Dr. William L. Chapman (d)", "description": [ "Any reform decided upon cannot have the desired effect if it does not get to the root of the problem of education in this country and in the world: the dependence of educational institutions on the political state.", "If we analyze the evolution of social forms in history, we find three archetypal elements that constitute an organized society. The State proper, that is, the bearer of the element of rights.", "The sector which we could call cultural, and which encompasses all manifestations of religion, culture, art and education, since to educate is precisely to make the contents of culture available to the learner.", "And finally, the sector of economic life, which includes the processes of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.", "Although this plan of a social organism seems convincing, it is only applicable to the present, and this present is a consequence of the preceding historical evolution. Formerly, in the early epoch of the evolution of humanity, the social organization started from an all-embracing theocracy which, from the top of the pyramid, for example the Egyptian Pharaoh, who ruled as a representative of the divinity and as a secular lord simultaneously...", ], "imgUrl": `${prefix}educacion-libre.jpg`, "link": `${prefix}education-free.html`, "poem": false, }, ], }; const articlesKeys = Object.keys(articles); const navChekboxes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("#nav-menu input")); // Uncheck all other hidden checkboxes when one is checked // colapses nav-menu dropdowns when a new one is expanded function createNavMenu(navMenuElement) { navChekboxes.forEach(input => { input.addEventListener("change", () => { navChekboxes.forEach(element => { if (element === input) return element.checked = false; }); }); }); function createMenuLinks() { articlesKeys.forEach(category => { if (articles[category].length === 1) { if (!articles[category][0]["title"]) return const div = document.createElement("div"); 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