import { createNavMenu, createArticlePeek } from "./navmenu.js" import { articles } from "./articleObject.js" import { mobilePortrait } from "./mobile.js" import { stylesheet, toggleStylesheetLightButton, toggleStylesheetDarkButton, navMenu, navDivTop, mainPage, topBar, lightDarkWarning, abnormalLogo, abnormalLogoStylesheet, footerAbnormal, introScreen, menuBar, stylesheetSelector, previousStylesheet, prefix, } from "./variables.js" let mainPageTop = 0 //scroll to top on refresh window.onbeforeunload = function () { window.scrollTo(0, 0) } //create elements for data-attributes // function to set data atributes acording to screen width function setStylesheetDataAttr() { if (screen.width <= 650) { if (stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet == "mobile") return stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet = "mobile" } else if (screen.width >= 651 && screen.width < 1200) { if (stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet == "medium") return stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet = "medium" } else { if (stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet == "desktop") return stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet = "desktop" } } //execute on rezise window.addEventListener("resize", () => { setStylesheetDataAttr() }) //ovserve changes on data-attributes and execute functions let observerStylesheetAttr = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if (mutation.type == "attributes") { if (stylesheetSelector.dataset.stylesheet === "mobile") { mobilePortrait() } } }) }) observerStylesheetAttr.observe(stylesheetSelector, { attributes: true, }) //onload functions window.addEventListener("load", () => { setStylesheetDataAttr() // antroLinks.classList.add("nav-height") mainPageTop = mainPage.offsetTop introScreen.classList.add("fade-out") setTimeout(() => { = "none" document.querySelector("html").style.overflowY = "visible" lightDarkWarning.classList.remove("desktop-hide", "mobile-hide") }, 1000) //local storage - if exists change theme if (!localStorage.getItem("style")) return = "none" const lightOrDark = localStorage.getItem("style") if (lightOrDark === "dark") { stylesheet.href = `${prefix}css/dark.css` } if (screen.width <= 650) { mobilePortrait() } }) //remove light-and-dark warning onclick lightDarkWarning.addEventListener("click", () => { = "none" }) // Toggle Stylesheets toggleStylesheetLightButton.addEventListener("click", () => { stylesheet.href = `${prefix}css/light.css` localStorage.setItem("style", "light") }) toggleStylesheetDarkButton.addEventListener("click", () => { stylesheet.href = `${prefix}css/dark.css` localStorage.setItem("style", "dark") }) // Sticky navbar const stickyFunc = () => { const limit = mainPage.offsetTop const navCol = document.querySelector("#sticky-div ") if (window.pageYOffset + 50 >= limit) { navCol.classList.add("fixed-nav-col") } else { navCol.classList.remove("fixed-nav-col") } } //observer function, scroll-in abnormal logo when footer is 50% visible let notFirstTime = 0 const observer = new IntersectionObserver( entries => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting === true) { if (notFirstTime > 0) return abnormalLogoStylesheet.href = `${prefix}css/logo2.css` abnormalLogo.classList.add("logo-animation") notFirstTime++ } }, { threshold: [0.5] } ) observer.observe(footerAbnormal) createNavMenu(navMenu) //create title page with the first property of "articleObject.js" and it's title createArticlePeek(articles) window.onscroll = () => { stickyFunc() } // createArticlePeek( // Object.keys(articles)[0], // articles[Object.keys(articles)[0]][0].title // ) //-------------------------------- // Change navbar position to fixed on scroll // function navMenuPositionFixed() { // if (window.pageYOffset + 55 >= navDivTop) { // navMenu.classList.add("fixed") // } else { // navMenu.classList.remove("fixed") // } // } // window.onscroll = () => { // navMenuPositionFixed() // } //-------------------